Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Apparently this morning after, as part of a rebuild of the OEM Repository ( on RedHat Linux 64bit) during the dropping of a queue table (…DROP_QUEUE_TABLE(queue_table => 'SYSMAN.MGMT_NOTIFY_QTABLE',force => TRUE);) so that the sysman account and management objects could be dropped and rebuilt the base went into a quiesce restricted mode and then came out as expected; however, for some reason the alert log shows that it went back into the quiesce state:

Tue Mar 08 08:59:13 2011
Database in quiesce mode
Database out of quiesce mode
Tue Mar 08 09:14:51 2011
Database in quiesce mode

This of course caused all sqlplus session connection attempts to hang. After issuing an (ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE;) The base went back to normal as expected.

The (ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED) SQL statement to is used to quiesce the database. While the instance is in this mode of operation only the users SYS can connect as sysdba. All others users connections will hang and wait. If a SQLPlus session is already connected it will wait (hang) as well until the instance is unquiesce. Therefore no other users besides SYS and SYSTEM can start any new transactions, or new queries, etc. Only the SYS and SYSTEM users can execute the ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED SQL statement.

Also while the instance is in the quiesced state, no changes to the Resource Manager plan(s) can be made for the instance. And as noted earlier, the ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE SQL statement can be issued to put the instance back into its normal mode of operation; thusly releasing all blocked activities.

A handy view to be aware of is the v$blocking_quiesce view. You can use it to help determine which sessions are blocking a quiesce from finishing.

The following link is to an Oracle document that gives more detail about quiesce:

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