Thursday, March 10, 2011


In life it is part of the natural process for things to come and go; to age out and change over time. And so it is with “connect internal” (I kind of miss that one), and so shall it be with SYSDBA at least in regard to ASM. Beginning with Oracle 11g for ASM there is a new sheriff in town, his name is SYSASM. This new role is a specialized version of SYSDBA for all things ASM instance.

A couple of things to keep in mind are, one: you can still use SYSDBA for starting up the ASM instance, however when you do you will generate a warning message in the alert-log that says:

WARNING: Deprecated privilege SYSDBA for command ‘STARTUP’

Two: you cannot use the SYSASM role on a RDBMS instance. If you do you will generate an ORA-01031 Insufficient Privileges error message.

Well for now you can still get away with using the SYSDBA role for ASM startup but in future versions it will go the way of ‘connect internal’.

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