Thursday, March 03, 2011

Oracle Client Character MisMatch

One of my endusers just installed an Oracle 10g R2 client on their laptop and got the following error when trying to connect to one of my instances (Oracle running on Red Hat Linux - the base has a UTF8 Charter Set to support the meta-data repository for the Unica Campaign tool): “Database character set (UTF8) and Client character set (WE8MSWIN1252) are different. Charter set conversion may cause unexpected results.”
So I told her to do the following:

Setting NLS_LANG
You can set the NLS_LANG environment variable to control globalization features.
Example 12-1 Configuring UTF8 Support in SQL*Plus on Windows
1. Ensure you have exited your current SQL*Plus session.
2. Open System from Start > Settings > Control Panel.
3. Click the Advanced tab and select Environment Variables.
4. Create a new environment variable, NLS_LANG, with a value of AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8.
5. You may need to restart Windows for this setting to take effect.

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