Thursday, February 17, 2011


When ever I am setting up a new Unix or Linux server I like to take in consideration the type of users that will be utilizing the box and divided them up into their appropriate groups by type of function. Once this is complete, I then determine level or access each of these types of users groups should have in regard to each other. For example:

I have identified the following types of user categories:
Customer/Client, Testers, Production executors, Developers, Database Administrators, System Administrators and Backup Support Team Members.

Now I will break them down into a privilege hierarchical arrangement (this arrangement is managed by using Unix groups). The groups would be as follows:

1. cust = customer
2. testr = testers
3. pord = production executors
4. dev = developers
5. dba = database administrators
6. sysa = system administrators
7. bkup = backup team members

Therefore each user would receive as their primary group the group which they are a part of. That is to say, as a DBA I would have dba set as my user’s primary group.

The next is to assign the secondary groups:
1. A customer would have a primary group of cust and no secondary groups.
2. A tester would have a primary group of testr and a secondary group of cust.
3. A production executor would have a primary group of prod and secondary groups of testr and cust.
4. A developer would have a primary group of dev and secondary groups of prod, testr and cust.
5. A Database Administrator would have a primary group of dba and secondary groups of dev, prod, testr and cust.
6. A system administrator would have primary group of system and root level access.
7. A backup team member would have primary group of bkup and would have no secondary groups.

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