Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beware if you are RAC & ASM and are planning on upgrading to 11R2

We are starting to use ACFS some and while doing some reading I came across the following information as a Burleson comment and wanted to pass it along. Thx ASM Cluster Filesystem (ACFS) There is a serious vulnerability for Oracle RAC databases noted in the Oracle 11g Release 2 RAC documentation. This note indicates a scenario where it's possible for an entire RAC cluster to fail. This exposure is only for RAC databases that are using Automatic Storage Management (ASM). When using RAC, Oracle has announced that the key clusterware files, the OCR and Votedisks can now be stored in Oracle Automated Storage Management (ASM). However, research by expert DBA's indicate that it may well be premature to use this feature. According to Oracle's documentation, if a single node is lost, then the entire cluster may go down if that node happens to be the master node. The entire cluster only fails if the Oracle ASM instance on the OCR master node fails. If the majority of the OCR locations are in Oracle ASM and if there is an OCR read or write access, then the crsd stops and the node becomes inoperative. In order to identify the OCR master node, search the crsd.log file for the line -- "I AM THE NEW OCR MASTER" -- with the most recent time stamp. Oracle has announced that new installations of 11g Release 2 (as opposed to upgrades) will not allow the installation of the OCR and Votedisks on RAW. So the best solution at this time is to install these files on a shared, non-ASM file system such as OCFS2. Clusterware upgraded to 11g Release 2 may still be on RAW.

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